Yeti Club

Group lessons from 10 a.m. to 3.15 p.m.

for children between 5 and 14 years - for beginners and advanced skiers

A methodically structured exercise programme and additional lessons in the afternoon guarantee for a quick and steady learning success.

Meeting point

Beginners (yellow identification vest), who can not master beginners competencies yet (safe stopping, dodging), will meet at the Kinderland. The Kinderland offers the ideal prerequisites for obtaining competencies.

Advanced skiers (green identification vests), meaning those who can stop and dodge safely, and experts meet in the Kinderland on the first day, and wil be dividet into performance groups based on thier skiing skills.

The ski instuctor wil inform children about the meeting point for the next days. Instructors choose the respective slopes depending on interim goals and planned exercises.

Classification & more course info

Classification: Beginners will be divided into groups based on their age. During a short presentation period, advanced children are divided into different performance groups, depending on their skills. Preliminary grouping occurs in the Kinderland. In order to have homogeneous groups, instructors will make any required group changes on the slope afterward.

Afternoon: There are also intensive lessons in the afternoon (1.15 p.m. – 3-15 p.m.) from Monday to Thursday. Fun is very important during all courses; our priority, however, remains always has been safety.

End of the course: Many families take advantage of Friday afternoon to ski together with their kids, so the children can show them what they have learned. The "Yeti Club" course therefore ends after the prize awarding ceremony. 


Children will get a warm meal in the Kindergarten. During lunch they will be looked after by the ski instructors and kindergarten teachers.